Calculate your energy

Inside a biodigester the quantity of dry substance (DS) is fundamental for the yield of the process, in a range of 12-15%. The more the value deviates from this range, the more changes will have to be made on the quantity of waste that is loaded into the biodigester.

In the event of an alarm, it will be necessary to change the concentrations of the substances:
If the concentration of dry substance is high, it is necessary to increase the concentrations of substances in GROUP 1 (or GROUP 2) *. If the concentration of dry substance is low, it is necessary to increase the concentrations of substances in GROUP 4 (or GROUP 5) *.

The substances of GROUP 6 greatly increase the dry substance, those of GROUP 7 increase it further; these substances in excessive quantities could lead to a malfunction of the equipment **.

WATER has the ability to significantly lower the concentration of dry matter, much more than the elements of group 1.

GROUP 1: 0 < DS < 10%
GROUP 2: 10% < DS < 12%
GROUP 3: 12% < DS < 15% (correct range)
GROUP 4: 15% < DS < 20%
GROUP 5: 20% < DS < 35%
GROUP 6: 35% < DS < 60% GROUP 7: DS > 60%

*However, the substances in groups 2 and 5 change the dry substance in a minor way, so it will be necessary to add more quantities.

** Despite this, however, may be a tool, as if used in modest quantities could adjust the concentration, if the substance is very diluted.